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Karen and David Nasby Give to Ensure the Excellence...

Karen and David Nasby Give to Ensure the Excellence...

The church has always been at the core of David and Karen Nasby's lives. Both have worked in the church and are grads of Luther Seminary.

"It was an important guidepost for my entire life," says David of his Luther experience. "I wouldn't trade those three years at Luther for any."

As the seminary changes and faces new challenges, the Nasbys see the need of donors to play an increasing role.

"The way we meet these challenges is to a large degree through excellence in our seminaries," says David.

"Luther is a star player. Young and mid-career people are forged into useful instruments of the good news. That's what we have to expand. That's why seminaries are so important."

In addition to contributing to capital campaigns, the sustaining fund and scholarships named for David's grandparents, the Nasbys have made provisions in their will for a legacy gift to go to Luther.

"One of the only ways I can play a role in the future of the church is through financial generosity," says David. "The reality is that this is the place of deep scholarship. This is the place of mission development. This is the place of creating excellence—and if our pastors aren't excellent, then the church is going to be mediocre."

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