Becky Brown Stays Rooted In, Gives Back to Church
Becky Brown has lived all over the country—California, Colorado, Indiana, Minnesota, Utah and now Portland, Ore. Throughout her travels, the one place she's never left is the church.
"If I didn't have the church I don't know what I would do—with my time, my money, my energy. It's always been a part of my life," says Brown.
As a child, Brown's confirmation class with Pastor Kempski laid a great foundation for her faith. Every time she hears the Apostle's Creed, she still thinks of him. As an adult, Brown ensures future Pastor Kempskis will touch young lives by giving of both her time and money to Luther Seminary.
"I really believe Luther Seminary produces the best pastors and has the best academic programs. I've seen it in recent Luther Seminary grads. I see it in a lot of new media products that come out of Luther—
Working Preacher, Stewardship for the 21st Century, Enter the Bible—these are resources everybody in the church has access to."
Brown is giving during her lifetime, as well as leaving a legacy at the seminary with a planned gift. In addition to naming Luther Seminary as a beneficiary of her estate, she supports the seminary's capital campaigns and Sustaining Fund, and has set up an endowed student scholarship benefiting seminarians from Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.
"I believe Luther Seminary has a responsibility to help train pastors for the whole United States, but especially for the West and Midwest," she says. "There's a lot of opportunity here."